Top 5 Supplements, Acid-Kicking Lifestyle Changes and Gut Friendly Foods
Top 5 Supplements, Acid-Kicking Lifestyle Changes and Gut Friendly Foods

“You're not what you eat. You're what you digest, absorb and assimilate.”

- Dr. Daryl Gioffre

It’s all about gut health as Elizabeth welcomes Dr. Daryl Gioffre, Gut Health & Inflammation Specialist, Best-Selling Author and the Founder of Alkamind. Dr. Daryl first talks about overcoming his personal struggles with sugar addiction, and how his father’s illness led him down a path to investigate the role of digestive wellness. Dr. Daryl talks about his Acid-Kicking product line and Gut Detox Programs, and small changes to bring into your routine that can help you clean up your microbiome. He discusses why gut testing regularly is important, and common gut imbalance symptoms that often go unnoticed.

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    Elizabeth Stein 00:00
    Hi, everyone. I'm Elizabeth Stein, founder, and CEO of Purely Elizabeth. And this is Live Purely with Elizabeth, featuring candid conversations about how to thrive on your wellness journey.

    This week's guest is Dr. Gioffre, a highly sought-after gut health and inflammation specialist with over two decades of experience in the field. Having overcome a lifelong sugar addiction in addition to his own gut and mold toxicity issues, he knows firsthand what it takes to overcome adversity and challenges in the pursuit of superior health. He is the founder of the Alkamind brand and Kick Acid Enterprises, our virtual nutritional testing and coaching platform, focusing on getting to the root cause of inflammation by restoring rebalancing, and strengthening the microbiome, which he calls gut fitness. In this episode, Dr. Joffrey shares his journey which led him to become a gut specialist focusing on the correlation between gut health and overall wellness. We talked about how to heal the gut and fight inflammation through his favorite gut-friendly foods and supplements, tests to take and how healing our gut which is at the root of most health issues can lead to optimal levels of health and energy. Dr. Gioffre is such a wealth of knowledge. Keep listening to learn more. And if you want to try this product, use code LIVEPURELY15 for 15% off at Enjoy.

    Dr. Gioffre, welcome to the podcast. As we were just starting to chat, there's so much information that you're gonna have for us, I know our audience is going to absolutely love it. Such a big fan of yours excited for the conversation today.

    Dr. Daryl Gioffre 01:51
    Oh, thank you so much. And likewise, I've been a big fan of yours for many, many years. And everything you're doing is just so amazing. It's just an honor to be with you today.

    Elizabeth Stein 01:59
    Well, that start with your own personal wellness journey that got you into nutrition. And I know that you have a great story you also just mentioned about the mold that you went through. So there's many different facets of your story to share.

    Dr. Daryl Gioffre 02:13
    Oh, there are many tears to it and lots of pain. But one thing I could tell you is that the pain was something that I kind of went through, but it turned my life into purpose and really what I do now. And it started with me being a hardcore sugar addict for most of my life. That's the big problem is sugar. It's like snuck its way into our diet to try to get so many foods that we think are healthy, right? It's really about the balancing act. But for me, there was no balance. It was just candy and processed junk. And I call it crap food CRAP (completely refined and processed). I was full of CRAP. When you're younger, you can kind of get away with it. Kids have higher metabolisms and all that stuff. But as I became a chiropractor, it kind of started to catch up with me. So I talked about this story in my first book, Get Off Your Acid, and how I was the shoemaker with no shoes. I was adjusting a patient telling them don't do that sugar, don't do that. Blah, blah, blah, that's bad, bad, bad. Go to the back office. And then we got like Caramello bar, Nestle's crunch bar, Coca Cola. And like most of us, we know sugar is bad, everyone knows that sugar is bad for you. In moderation, you're okay. But if you're putting too much, it's really bad. But for me, it just started to catch up with me and my waistline. And before I knew it, I was about 50 pounds heavier than I am today. And I was leaning down to adjust the patient and literally, my pants split right down the backside. For me, that moment was such an embarrassing moment. But it was a reality check. It's like I was the shoemaker were no shoes, I had to start to kind of take my advice and draw that stake in the ground and say, I'm not going back. So I started on my path to get my body healthy. And it wasn't about deprivation anymore. Because for so long, I tried to quit sugar by removing like a lot of people do at New Year's, it's like, I'm gonna stop this stuff that and yeah, it's definitely a noble approach for some people, but you're not getting there the way that your body needs, which is addressing the underlying deficiencies, why you crave sugar and the toxins in your body that creates this vicious cycle. So I just started adding green juice and I started bouncing around a rebounder. Green Juice was so powerful. I call it today the core of a strength-eating diet. And it was amazing, like just tricking one green juice, which became two in like three weeks, my cravings were gone. I was blown away. That was how I started because in the past like I tried to do it 100% I've known for some extremism going both ways. It just didn't work. So I would quit sugar for two weeks or two months, and I did great. But then again, I didn't create any lifestyle habits. I didn't find my balance. And because of that, I just kind of rebounded and the reality is that sugar is a drug. It's not a food. It's a substance. I call it America's drug of choice and you know the average American consumes 130 pounds of this life stuff every year. It's it's crazy to even think about that. That's 38 teaspoons a day, after six teaspoons, your liver can't metabolize anymore and becomes a toxic poison to your body. So that's what created the weight gain the lethargic feeling I go through my day, and I'd be exhausted at the end of the day I wasn't running through the day, and energy I was burning through my day on willpower. And at some point, my body just started to break down in many, many ways. So the add-not-take-away approach was my new way of doing it. Green Juice was how it started, then that became adding salads, and then it became bouncing on a rebounder. And again, like what I did I mastered one thing at a time not to overwhelm myself because I wanted this to become more of a lifestyle habit. And we know now it takes 21 days to make a habit, and 90 days to make it a lifestyle. You do this for six months, Elizabeth, you're not going back. So I just kept on stacking and stacking and stacking and stacking. And before you know it, my cravings were gone, I was feeling better, I had higher energy, my digestion improved, and I dropped 42 pounds in about three and a half months. And it was a byproduct of strengthening my body from the inside out, adding foods in that alkalizing Energize. And when you do that, the body gets rid of all the stuff that doesn't belong there. So for me, it was such an amazing thing. And I started to bring this approach on to my clients, and I think it just works better. Sometimes it might take a little bit longer, but I don't I don't care if it gets me there the right way. And I find my balance in doing that. I think it's worth it. So that was kind of my story. The gut health story was more about my father, I'm happy to tell you that story. Because that changed my entire life, what happened with my father, and how I became a good specialist.

    Elizabeth Stein 06:38
    That’s the first step right here at the sugar and then we'll dive into the gut. I love your approach to kind of adding in and not taking away and the idea of sort of crowding out whatever is on your plate, or whatever it is, or eating, but you talked about being deficient. And that's where some of the cravings come from. So can you talk about what your body is deficient in and why the green juice, why the salads? Like some of the why behind it.

    Dr. Daryl Gioffre 07:09
    Yeah, the biggest deficiency was magnesium. Magnesium is one of the most powerful minerals, it's the fourth most abundant mineral in the body. But it's the one that we're most efficient in. If you look at pregnancy, and things like postpartum depression, one of the driving factors behind that is a magnesium mineral deficiency. Also, omega-3 three fatty acids, and fish oil are very important as well. But it's critical. It's responsible for over 1000 different enzyme reactions in the body. And when it comes to sugar, your body eats up 54 molecules of magnesium, just to neutralize one molecule of sugar. So we've become massively depleted, because so many of us have adopted this stress-eating diet or the sad standard American diet, which is loaded with a lot, obviously, lots of sugar and seed oils, and artificial sweeteners and things like that. So from our diet standpoint, we're very deficient, but also just from what's in the plants, our soil isn't the way it was hundreds of years ago, our soils become massively depleted. So whether you're a vegetarian vegan, eating plant-based, or eating animals, it doesn't matter because the animals aren't getting it either. So we are indirectly getting what is in that animal when we eat animals. So if the animal is grazing and eating grass it's better for us, but there's still a massive deficiency. So in both books I talked about, there are five big supplements that we all need that we just can't get anymore, based on where we're at. We began 200 years ago, our ancestors, were able to get those things, because it was such a different time, then, in terms of the way the food was grown. But we got to get magnesium Number One On The List, especially if you're having any cognition sugar is a big one for me. But it's also for your brain. It's the number one neuroprotective of your brain. So for anxiety, depression, memory, processing speed, to be on your A-game to be sharp and mentally focused, we need to have sufficient levels of magnesium.

    Elizabeth Stein 08:58
    And now what what kind of magnesium should we be looking for as far as supplementing? Because there are all sorts of…

    Dr. Daryl Gioffre 09:04
    It's a great question. Ideally, like, the one thing I always say is, that you can supplement your way out of a bad diet. So we want to try to get as much from the food that we can plant-based, and if you're eating, let's say, 80% of your diet is plant-based, you're gonna get probably on average, 200 milligrams of magnesium, but the body is about 600 milligrams, so that 400 milligrams, give or take, we have to supplement with, and there are different forms of magnesium. It's knowing the company, the quality is critical. Where's that magnesium coming from? We just launched one a few months ago. And up until then, I was using a lot of magnesium glycinate, which I love. It's great for sleep. It's great for calming, it's great for anyone dealing with depression or anxiety. But I also love magnesium citrate, magnesium citrate is great for having constipation or any gut issues. So that tends to be a little bit more specific for the gut. Then there are things like magnesium Toray, which is good for the heart. So I tried to focus on my three, like really driving organs like the gut, the heart, and the brain. So something that we launched has all three of that magnesium in it. But again, you just gotta get magnesium you want to add it, you want to stack it, but you want to start low and gentle because if you get too much magnesium, you can get loose stools. So that's how you know your body's not absorbing it anymore. So always start low, say 50-100, or even 150 milligrams, and then see how your body handles that. And if you're doing okay, then the next day, you can add another capsule or powder right there, but they're both great. And then just keep on stacking slowly till you get to that threshold, and then you back off, but you'll find that the more magnesium you add into your diet, it's going to change everything because it's one of the most powerful neutralizers of acidity and toxicity. And the reason why we can't sleep at night is because we have an acid problem. It's like when the liver is dumping out all these toxins into our gut microbiome. So magnesium is a crucial mineral to help your body neutralize those toxins so that now you can get a deeper REM sleep.

    Elizabeth Stein 11:00
    I think everyone can use deeper sleep. Okay, so we're talking about the top five food supplements that you would take, magnesium was number one.

    Dr. Daryl Gioffre 11:13
    Yep. Number two would be omega-three fatty acids, ideally, in the form of fish oil. It's really important because I always say we don't die of old age, we die of inflammation, this is the most toxic we've ever been in human history. Toxins are going to drive up inflammation. When we're deficient, it dries up inflammation. I always use a silly analogy, if a plant begins to wilt, what comes to our mind? Water right? Now doctors will say give it drugs give us surgery, like that's for crisis, but give the plant what it needs. Give it water, give it sunlight, give it nutrients. Those are like the vitamins and nutrients, the antioxidants that we need. But again, you give the plant everything that it needs to be strong and to be vital. To be energetic, that plant can still wilt. Why is that? Because there could be some toxic runoff from the gas station next door leaking into the root system of the plant, making it toxic. So when we supplement, it's also about the detoxification process and lowering inflammation. So I love fish oil, because it lowers inflammation in the body systemically, especially in the brain, and optimizes how your brain functions. So that'd be number two. Number three would be a probiotic. So I know we're gonna get into gut health at some point. But we get about 1 million probiotics that our ancestors used to get. Probiotic means for life. And you got to look at your gut like a garden like you want to have a lot more flowers than you do weed. So probiotics are the flowers for that garden. And I love a spore-based probiotic because it has a shell around it. So as it goes through the harsh environment of your digestive system, like the acid in the stomach, and the bile salts from your gallbladder, it's protected. It's like a dormant seed, and then it gets past that into your gut, then that probiotic opens up, that shell opens up, and then it starts to colonize your gut and give you all those healthy strains of bacteria. So that's number three. <

    Elizabeth Stein 12:57
    So if someone's looking to buy a probiotic, I feel like nowadays, because health is all we're talking about, it can be confusing what am I looking for in a probiotic? Any tips about it? Are we looking for a certain strain? Or anything else specific to look for in the type of probiotic?

    Dr. Daryl Gioffre 13:16
    Yeah, so there's two. There are so many probiotics to your point. Yes. And it can be confusing, like, what do I do? I think number one is important that we rotate, we switch up our probiotics, just like your body loves exercise variation. Like, if I just did the one exercise all the time, that's better than nothing. But if I switch it up, then the body's going to do much better. So same thing with diet, you want diet variation, and you also want probiotic variation. So there's basically what we call a terrain-based probiotic, which are the ones that have to be refrigerated. And those you'll see like a lot of the classic strains like lactobacillus, and acidophilus. And those are important because they are going to strengthen your gut microbiome. Ultimately, that is so important that our gut is as strong as possible. So, I like those. But again, the downside of that type of supplement is that it doesn't survive that way down into the gut as much as spore-based probiotics. So I still use them, I'm actually on one of those right now. And if you're traveling just those types of probiotics can last in a fridge for up to seven days. So you can travel with it. And in a little, however, you travel with your supplements. And then if you're going to a place that has a fridge or freezer, then you could put it into that but again, they're good for up to seven days, but the spore-based probiotics I love the most. And usually, you're gonna see just a few strains in that. You're gonna see things like Bacillus coagulans, and Bacillus subtilis. And what's great about the spore-based probiotic is it's not just going to help nurture and strengthen your gut microbiome, not as much as the terrain-based probiotic I was just talking about. But there are two other things that typical probiotics don't do. Number one, there's a study on a bunch of one-year-olds, and it showed that in 30 days, the spore-based probiotic killed up 44% of the leaky gut. Everybody's got leaky gut to different degrees. So it's something we all have to pay attention to. But like probiotics aren't supposed to do that. So that's a big benefit of a spore-based probiotic. And the other thing is that it can nudge out and kill off some of those bad pathogens in your gut, the weeds, whether that is a parasite, or an inflammatory form of bacteria, or candida, whatever it might be, it's good at getting rid of some of the things. So it does a bunch of different things that typical probiotics don't do. So I love those. And again, they don't have to be refrigerated. So for the spore-based probiotics, I'll take two of them at my largest meal of the day. And if it's a terrain-based probiotic that has to be refrigerated, you could take it at the end of your biggest meal, like dinner, one of them or you could take it before you go to bed on an empty stomach, that's fine as well.

    Elizabeth Stein 15:45
    Great tips. Okay, sorry, back to four and five.

    Dr. Daryl Gioffre 15:50
    I'm sorry. One thing about the probiotic again, is that also you can get it from food based sources. So fermented foods, things like Kimchi and sauerkraut, and pickles. Those are the ones that we kind of like more. And that's gonna be looking at more healthy forms of probiotics in the food-based form. So you can do those as well. But I still like to get the supplement form. So that's it on probiotics. And then, so number four, and number five of the supplement that we all need. Even our children, by the way, would be combined in a supplement, it's d3 and k2. So d3, vitamin d3 is so important. Again, there are over 1000 different things in the body critical for boosting your immune system. It's nice and a vitamin, it's a hormone, and responsible for helping the body bring calcium into the body, along with magnesium. So vitamin D helps bring calcium in. But once it gets into the body, we need to direct calcium where to go. That's what vitamin K2 does. So vitamin K2 now tells it to go to the bones. So if we don't have que tu, then it's going to go to the wrong places, it's not going to go to the bones, it's going to go to your blood vessel walls, that's going to cause like an increase in blood pressure, it will go to the brain causing plaquing. And that's how we get things like dementia, which we don't want, it goes to your kidneys, and can cause kidney stones. So k2 is one of those critical supplements that a lot of us maybe aren't taking that we should be taking. And it's really important for where that calcium goes. This is one of the biggest problems with statin drugs, If someone takes a statin drug, it stops the body's production of vitamin K2 and other things like Coenzyme Q10. So here we are taking something that we think is helping us where it's not doing more damage than good. But now it's causing the calcium to go to all the wrong places causing more damage, and more stress to your cardiovascular system. So if you are on a statin drug, you must take some Coenzyme Q10. And some vitamin K to those two statements are very important. And it's crazy that so many doctors, so many times aren't telling their clients to do that when they do put them on a statin drug.

    Elizabeth Stein 17:49
    So those are our top five for everybody for overall health and well-being. And as you think about it at the roots, you could take all those but at the root of our health is gut health, an anti-inflammatory diet. So let's dive into gut health, the story about your dad, and really how you got to be the expert in gut health.

    Dr. Daryl Gioffre 18:10
    It was 2014. It was October. It was a beautiful, perfect. We both lived in New York City. It was a beautiful, beautiful fall day in New York City. It was one week before the New York City Marathon. I've been wanting to run the marathon for like 20 years, and I was on my final training run in Central Park. And just kind of picturing myself crossing the finish line. My wife Chelsea was going to be there. My son, Brayden, who's now nine, was six months at the time, he'd be there too. And my parents, my mom, and dad who were living in Vermont at the time, when my phone started to buzz. They take the phone out and there it is this call from my brother Brandon. So it took a kind of crazy selfie image dry, sent it back to him kept on going. Just a couple of seconds later, the phone starts buzzing again. Take the phone out. Miss call, and then a text, call, emergency. Right at that moment, I knew something happened to my mom and dad who were driving down from Vermont. They were coming down to see me in the big race. So, anyone that knows the northeast and knows Hartford, Connecticut, they were driving at 91 south which is a very, very busy road. My dad was always the driver. My mom was always in the passenger seat and she was knitting a sweater for my son Brayden when all of a sudden she felt the car veering off to the left like this. There's one huge problem there's a concrete divider going 70 miles per hour, but she looks over my father and there he is, passed out a window like this. So the car goes up the concrete divider, she reaches over, pulls his leg off of the accelerator, the car comes back down or goes back to back up, and she pulls the keys out of the ignition as the car crashes. First of all, Elizabeth, it's a miracle that the car didn't flip over onto oncoming traffic. Ambulance comes and now I find myself in the Zip Car because New York City is so packed. We don't own cars, in the zip car, on my way up to the hospital in Hartford. So along the way, I'm asking my doctor, what made my dad pass out at the steering wheel? Was it a heart attack? Was it a stroke? Wasn't it an aneurysm? So when I got to the hospital and talked to the doctor, he said, “Your dad didn't have a heart attack. Your dad has esophageal cancer.” I'm like, “What? Esophageal cancer?” So fast forward three days later, we're at Sloan Kettering Hospital in New York City with the top specialists in esophageal cancer. And he says, “Good news guys. Your dad's cancer hasn't spread, hasn't metastasized. And these things are usually caused by too much acid in the stomach.” Hold that thought for a second. We'll come back to that. So it's crazy because everyone looks at me. After all, that night I'm giving a keynote address for a big wellness convention in the city and I'm wearing my shirt that says Get off your acid right? I'm talking about the ties and how too much acid too, much toxicity, and too much inflammation in your body can potentially cause cancer and other chronic degenerative diseases. So, that was the ironic thing about it. But all along, none of us ever even gave a second thought to my dad's dry cough that he had for years. So immediately I started becoming a health investigator, I started following the evidence, and like any good investigator does, I started looking at all the research studies on esophageal cancer, I started calling experts and specialists that I know. Why did this happen? How did this get to this point? Why did we link up the dry cough that he was having with what was going on? And most importantly, what can we do to try to turn this around and reverse this, right? So as a result of that, that's how I became a true gut specialist. I thought I was a good specialist before that, no. Didn't have a clue. But from all that investigation and learning, I knew what it is what it meant to become a true gut specialist. So three years later, we drove up to Connecticut to see my family. And it was my birthday. When we got there, I could tell that my dad wasn't doing well, he lost a ton of weight. He wasn't looking good. He was losing the fight. But we had a beautiful day. We drove back to the city. Two hours later, I got a call from my brother, he's like, “Dad's in a coma, he's on life support, you got to come back up.” So I took the train up this time, we went there and we all kind of got around his hospital bed there. And I'm kind of holding his hands. And this was the last words to my father. I said, “Dad, I'm so sorry that it couldn't help save your life. And I promise I'm going to do everything that I can in my power to prevent as many people from suffering the way that you did.” And he died right then and there and right after I said that. So that's why I'm here. That's why I love doing these things. Thank you for having me on. Because this was the valley where I met my dad. This has been my mission ever since then, I can help one person turn around their life and change their life by teaching them how to protect their gut. It's worth our while because, at the end of the day, we have to understand that Hippocrates said the best, gut is where all diseases begin. And here's the crazy part about what my doctor said. He said, “Your dad's cancer was caused by too much acid. And that's where he got it wrong. It was too little acid. He had silent reflux.” This is supported by 16,000 research journal articles. This is one of the reasons why 80% of the clients that I coach now have acid reflux. As we get older, we don't get stronger, we get weaker. We don't get faster, we get slower, we don't produce more acid in the stomach, we produce less acid. So yes, it is the acid that causes the burning, the reflux that corroded his esophagus, the throat burn that people get, that I had when I experienced reflux. But the reality is that this happens from the lessening of the acid in the stomach that causes this battle between your esophagus and the stomach to not function properly. And by the way, going back to that mighty mineral magnesium, that valve is like a muscle it should open when food comes in and close. But if we are deficient in magnesium, and we have low acid, which most of us do, that valve now stays partially open like that. So even though it's less acid when we lay down, that acid comes up and reflexes, and that happens over and over and over. Eventually, it's going to corrode because think about what acid does. It corrodes, it erodes. And that's what happened to my dad. There was so much corrosion in his esophagus, that he was bleeding out he had to have two transfusions in the hospital. So that's my story. It wasn't enough to save my dad. But here we are. This is my mission in life. I want to do gut testing and help people find out about practical ways to strengthen their gut that need to be as mainstream as blood pressure and glucose and blood sugar and cholesterol and things like that.

    Elizabeth Stein 24:36
    What a story and I'm so sorry to hear that. What happened with your dad, certainly gave you this mission and purpose in life. And I'm sure that it touches you every day as you think about it.

    Dr. Daryl Gioffre 24:50
    Yeah, thank you so much.

    Elizabeth Stein 24:51
    So let's start then. So you learn this, what do we do? Where do we start? I don't know if it's the start with testing. Where do you like to start with people, when you have this conversation?

    Dr. Daryl Gioffre 25:05
    I like to start with just diet. It's like so important that we just start to make better choices and clean up our diet, it doesn't need to be perfect, but let's make it better. It's about progress, not perfection, just like me when I was addicted to sugar, it started with one green juice, right? I love greens. When you look at the four macros, we want to start to kind of incorporate all these macros into our daily diet, you want to get more greens because again, greens are loaded with minerals like magnesium and potassium and calcium and things like that.

    Elizabeth Stein 25:32
    And that's out of the line.

    Dr. Daryl Gioffre 25:35
    Yeah, it alkalizes. The gut has an alkaline pH. But most guts are completely dysbiotic. They're acidic. So it's important that we put foods in that are going to strengthen our gut. So I love leafy greens. I love green juice, think green juice, think green smoothies, think green soups, salads, but when you have salad, you want to avoid vinegar unless it's apple cider vinegar. But other vinegar is high in yeast, and most of us have too much yeast in our gut anyway. So we don't want to kind of add gasoline to the fire. So olive oil, lemon juice, lime juice, apple cider vinegar, those types of things on your salad. So that's your leafy greens, If you want to get more healthy fats, you have to understand some fats heal your body, and some bats kill. So I'm talking about fats like avocado, which I like to call God's butter. It's like the most perfect food on the planet. It's the best. You can do so many things. It's so versatile. You can eat it plain, with some olive oil and some Himalayan salt or real salt, or you can put it into your blender, or you can make some avocado chocolate mousse, so many different things that you can do with it. And I love to make that for our children because again, they have no idea that you even snuck that in there. After all, it tastes so good and decadent. So avocados and more healthy seeds like chia seeds, which I love. It's part of our internal shower shot I know using the chia seeds in your products is amazing. Hemp seeds are a great source of plant-based protein, and black seeds, are another great source of fiber. More nuts like macadamia nuts, which will not break your fats, raw almonds, walnuts, and walnuts look like your brain. So they're hiding those omega-3 three fats. So again, balance, I get a lot of diversity into your diet, and then you want to get protein but you want to get the right amount of protein, not too much protein, the average American consumes five times the amount of protein that they truly need that turns to sugar in your body. How crazy is that? So if we get this protein, there's something called gluconeogenesis that happens in your liver that metabolizes to sugar. So you can be eating a very clean diet and still jacking up the sugar in your body. So if you're eating animal protein, here's kind of my rule, two to four ounces per meal, not more than that. So if it's a piece of chicken or a piece of beef, or whatever it might be, it's gonna be the size of your fist. If it's a piece of fish, it's the size of a checkbook. And here's one area where we want to do our best if we're going to spend the money, we want to eat as clean as possible, you want to go for wild-caught in regards to fish, grass-fed when it's meat because what they're putting into these animals, it's just it's horrific. You gotta remember, it's not what we eat. It is what the animals are eating are given. And most of the antibiotics in this country aren't given to us through pharmaceuticals, 80% is given to the livestock industry. Antibiotic is the number one cause of leaky guts. And a leaky gut is what destroys us. Ans as Hippocrates said, look to the gut, it is the cause of all disease. I'm talking about leaky gut and low hydrochloric acid, that's what we have to talk about. So again, only antibiotics when you need them, if you're in a life-threatening situation. So grass-fed, plus the animals are fed corn and soy, and corn and soy are highly inflammatory foods. Try to do grass-fed when you can, and pay attention to the amount that you're having. Then you want to get more fiber in your diet. So important. On average, people get about 5% of the amount of fiber that we should be getting, which is around 25 to 35 gms. I think that number should be up to 50 number. So you know like things like quinoa, which I know you love, and sweet potatoes with coconut oil and wild rice and root vegetables and spaghetti squash and winter squash, like we need more fiber in our diet. But again, not too much. So I like to say half of a cup per meal, not more than one cup a day, you should be in the right kind of zone. So that's what I try to make my diet look like. And again, it's bio-individual to you. We were talking about that before we started, which is you got to make this right for you. So listen to your body. Ultimately, I do like to test for food sensitivities to see if is there a food in one of those that might not be working well with my body at this moment.

    Elizabeth Stein 29:32
    You talked about having acid reflux is one of the, I don't know if you call it an imbalance of the gut, but issues with your gut. What are some of the other ways because gut imbalances can show up in so many different ways, whether it's mental or physical? And I think that for a lot of us, we think like oh, we don't have a major problem. So we don't have a gut issue. When in reality, most of us probably have gut issues.

    Dr. Daryl Gioffre 29:58
    Such an important point. All of us have gut issues. I do too. I had SIBO. And this is why I test my guts twice a year. I test my kids who are six and nine. I just tested them a few months ago. And they're helping kids like we control it here. They're on it, they understand bad versus good. We let them be kids out there. We're not the crazy controlling parents, we let them have fun and parties and things like that. But they both had a parasite in their gut. How crazy is that? We would have never known that if we hadn't tested for it. They weren't having any symptoms. But I don't want to let that sit in there and start to become this little monster, now becomes this raging monster a year from now or two years from now. So I put them on a gut protocol to help that. But common things, bloating is a big one. It's a huge symptom for so many of us. One of the things that we say is that you're not what you eat, you're what you digest, absorb, and assimilate. So if you're having bloating, it means that you're not digesting your food properly. So something as good as an avocado which we were just talking about, was a food sensitivity for me when I first started testing my gut. I had no idea. Why? Because I didn't have enough digestive enzymes when I was eating, to break down some of the foods in my diet. So one of those things as we get older, you can add as a supplement would be a good digestive enzyme at your first bite of the meal. But let's be our enzyme, let's chew our food better. Like I'm a New Yorker, I talk fast, I walk fast, I chew fast. So I have to constantly slow down and chew because the enzymes start here, and the enzymes start before even eat the food. If I look at a lemon, my mouth will start salivating because it knows what's coming to the sourness of that, and the body will start to make these enzymes in your mouth to help you digest. Another good thing to do to help your body digest food better is to have some apple cider vinegar before your biggest meal of the day. So what I was saying to most of us, is you can start with a teaspoon. And what you want to do is put that in a little bit of water, don't do a straight up. Apple cider vinegar, like lemons and limes, is acidic outside of the body. But once you metabolize them inside of the body, they have this high alkaline-forming effect, which is good for your gut and your digestive system. So what I love to do is have a teaspoon to start in 1/3 cup, ideally warm water, because warm water is going to help your body secrete gastrin which helps you make hydrochloric acid, and you do that 20 to 30 minutes before your biggest meal of the day, that's going to help your body break down the proteins, the fats and carbs in your diet, you're going to notice that you will have less bloating, better simulation nutrients, higher energy, because again, one of the biggest causes of low energy in our body in our life is that we're not getting those nutrients that we're getting from our food into our body, into the cells. So again, if we're not digesting those foods, and we're not metabolizing them, then you can have malnutrition, even if you're eating a very powerful anti-inflammatory strengthening diet. So that one little biohack, a teaspoon of apple cider vinegar, you're 30 minutes before your biggest meal of the day, you can dilute it with a little bit of water, ideally a little bit of warm water, it's going to work wonders for you. Do that for three days. If you're feeling good, and you're not having any burning or reflux, you can go to two teaspoons, and then do that for three more days. If you're doing good again, then you can go up to one tablespoon, and that's where I kind of would stop. So that's gonna help the bloating, that's also going to help further things downstream like constipation. 42 million Americans are suffering from constipation. I just got off with a client before we got on. And she's been suffering from constipation for years or she wasn't going for three weeks. We should be going after every meal. If you look at a baby or a dog, they go after every meal. But we become so backed up and so toxic, that we're choking. It's auto intoxication. So that's why we need more fiber, we need more magnesium that's going to help that and that's going to lower the inflammation. You could do something like my terminal shower shot*33:42. We have two versions of it, but the new version people are loving. All you do is you get one peeled grapefruit, you get one peeled cucumber, and then a half of a bunch of cilantro. If you love cilantro, you can use it. Are you a cilantro lover or a hater?

    Elizabeth Stein 33:54
    I do like cilantro. Not one of those people who find it soapy.

    Dr. Daryl Gioffre 33:58
    Yeah. So if you're one of those soapy people, you could replace it with mint, which has again very powerful anti-inflammatory effects on your gut and it cools the gut down. You put that in your blender, you don't even need a liquid, which is why I love just those three ingredients. Put the grapefruit in first because it's got a lot of water in it, blend that nicely and good. Put it in a cup and then drink that on an empty stomach. It is such a powerful. One, it is high in fiber, but it gives you what we call that internal shower effect because it's going to hydrate the mucous membranes of your gut, and it's going to gently help your body soften up the stools that are in there. And if you're having any constipation, this works way better than a laxative because it's safe, natural, and loaded with antioxidants, minerals, vitamins, and phytonutrients. And again, you're just giving your body so much energy to start the day. So that's kind of something that helps blow this up a lot of people with bloating, constipation, and it's something that helps us balance a little bit more.

    Elizabeth Stein 34:51
    I love that. So you mentioned your son doing a gut healing protocol I'm assuming that was part of it. What else is part of that?

    Dr. Daryl Gioffre 35:01
    So it's individualized based on what the testing shows. And this is why I love gut testing. It's I think it's critical, because you met you mentioned, like, what are some downstream things, like those are local symptoms, but I'm helping people with low thyroid, hypothyroidism because the thyroid is the first gland that gets hit by leaky gut, reproductive issues, liver issues, brain issues, anxiety, depression. When we have an overgrowth of bad bacteria in our gut, they release something called endotoxins, these like little pathogens that leak from the gut into the body, they hit the brain, it cause inflammation of the brain. So the inflammatory process can trigger anxiety and depression. And here's the crazy thing, Elizabeth. The same pathology that drives the anxiety and depression, if it's left checked, if it's not treated, and you're not getting to the root cause, that can drive chronic degenerative disease later on, things like dementia, even Alzheimer's. So the gut is so powerful. We have to really kind of do test the foods, the supplements, but we have to test and with my children, it's been depending on what they find, but we put them on a probiotic, which is a kid's probiotic, a chewable probiotic. We put them on digestive enzymes, that help them break the food down better so that they absorb the nutrients better. But then we also put them on an eradication protocol to get rid of the parasites and a little bit of inflammatory bacteria that were in there. My son years ago, when I tested his gut, he had a stealth infection in his gut. Why I tested his gut in the first place was he started getting neurologic tics. And the doctor started calling it Tourette Syndrome. I'm like, well, you're not going to put this label on my son. There has to be a reason why these things have slowly been progressing. It started as little neck twitches like this. And then it started to become verbal tics and to the point where they were happening every few seconds. And let me tell you, there was one night that they were so bad, I just took across Chelsea and we both had just tears down our eyes. But again, just like with my father, Elizabeth, I became an investigator. And one night, I was in bed researching and I came across something called PANDAS/PANS. It's this situation mostly in children. It's this acute onset neuropsychiatric disorder where there is a hidden strep infection in the gut. And that strep infection starts to eat its way through the gut lining, it works its way up to the brain. And it causes inflammation of the brain, and they start to get these rush picks. And it was wild because instantly I went back to when I was in middle school. Brandon's age is nine years old. Because there was this boy, Michael, a year ahead of me that had Tourette's. And it was so sad because all the kids made fun of them. They called them Tourette's boys. And I'm thinking like, is this what my son's life is going to be like? So that's why I became this investigator with him. And when I found out that there was a strep infection, I was like, wow, this is amazing. Like, this is gonna be the cause, right? And I did what I knew I needed to do. Not what the doctors wanted to do like, they wanted to put him on antibiotics, anti-psychotics, and steroids. I'm like, no, no, I got this guy's. I'm gonna put my son on a gut-healing protocol. And that's what I did. And within two weeks, the tics weren’t worse, they weren't better, but they didn't get worse. So I was optimistic. Two and a half later, they started getting a little better. Fast forward about five months, and they were gone. Because of what was in his gut. So my point is, that you never know what is going on, always gotta think outside of the box. And you've got to make gut part of that might not be everything that's driving your specific situation. But I can guarantee you, there's a huge part of it, or a significant part of it that's coming from the gut and the inflammation that the gut is dealing with. So we put them both on the protocol to eradicate those pathogens, which are natural, and anti-microbial. And again, we retest, and they're doing so much better.

    Elizabeth Stein 38:47
    It's incredible hearing stories like that of food as medicine and how much the gut is just connected to everything and so much more that we're learning every day, about this gut-brain connection in particular, it's wild. It also, I feel like, does give hope, because at least we know, here's where the root of it is. And functional medicine is all about that root. And so if we can heal the gut, we can heal all those other downstream problems that we're having.

    Dr. Daryl Gioffre 39:19
    Yeah, and that's why I start with the gut, always I'm it doesn't mean I'm not going to test someone's hormones down the road, which I will but so many times, the inflammation created in the gut is going to cause the hormones become out of balance. So we can't just start analyzing hormones when we know that there's an underlying root cause that we should be balancing first. So usually what we'll do is we'll get that in check and balance and then test the hormones through saliva testing, which is a lot more accurate than blood testing. And then we can see if there's a true hormonal imbalance going on. So it's important. And going back to the brain, it's such a powerful thing that you said because the brain and the gut, come from the same embryonic tissue, it's connected through the vagus nerve and that is so important to know, it's so many of us called the gut, the second brain. I call it the first break because 80% of your nervous system lives in your gut. 80% of the immune system lives in your gut. 95% of the serotonin, which is your happy, feel-good hormone, it's not made in the brain, it's made in the gut. So much of how we feel how we act and the emotions that we go through are driven. If we can strengthen the gut, you'll be amazed things start to feel better, your motions are better, you start to make better choices, you get better sleep, and there's this amazing positive downstream and upstream effect of taking care of your gut.

    Elizabeth Stein 40:33
    So for people listening, and who might feel like they have some gut issues or not, what should they ask for when they're going to a doctor? And maybe they're just going to a regular traditional doctor, maybe they shouldn't do that, maybe they should, but what testing should we be looking for?

    Dr. Daryl Gioffre 40:48
    Everybody needs to have a doctor doctor that's on the page with you with your philosophy with your linemen. But I hate to say I can't tell you how many doctors don't know anything about the gut. And even gut specialists, many times over and over clients have come to me and their gastroenterologist has never done a DNA stool sample test. They've never done a food sensitivity test where you're looking at if you eat this food, is that food creating inflammation? Not, Am I allergic to that food, but is that food, creating inflammation? So maybe I shouldn't be eating that food at the moment while I clean up the gut a little bit. So now I can absorb and break down that avocado. So ultimately, the two tests that everybody should be doing if they want to see the state of my microbiome is called a GI map, which is a DNA stool sample test. Or as my son calls it, the poop test. I'm not gonna tell you what my other clients call it.

    Elizabeth Stein 41:39
    It stinks to do it but it’s great in the end.

    Dr. Daryl Gioffre 41:43
    Yeah, who likes to do that, right? Unless you're my daughter in the Sunday got a chicken*41:48 was quite entertaining when you do it with your kids. The MRT is a mediator release test. It's a blood test that looks at 170 different foods and chemicals to see when you eat that food, is that food not being digested properly. So now your gut is attacking that food and creating inflammation. And it gives you this amazing list, you'll see all the green foods, which are the ones that you should be eating. So what I love about this is that this is based on your unique gut and how your gut is responding to your current lifestyle and your epigenetics, and you'll know exactly what foods you need to be eating right there at the moment. If it's yellow food, we're going to avoid that food for three months. And then if it's a red food, we want to avoid that food for six months. So those are the two tests I love. Most of your doctors aren't going to probably have ever heard of it or know about it, they should be. But this is again, one of my missions in life. To make this testing as mainstream as we test our cholesterol and our hormones and our blood pressure. So if your doctor doesn't know about it, that's okay. That doesn't mean that they're a bad doctor. It just means that you need to find someone like me or someone who specializes in these things that can help you do it. I do all my stuff virtually any way. So this is something that it doesn't matter where you are, you can get this testing done. It's amazing because of what you find. I think the most important thing is just the test. That's my mantra. “Test, don't guess.” and then you can figure out what you want to do with that information. But like you want to know what's going on in there. And the things that we're looking for are incredible. We're looking for parasites and candida and mold, and we're looking for active viruses and inflammatory bacteria and parasites. And we're seeing if there's any fat in your stool. So if your gallbladder is not digesting the foods, if you're not making enough enzymes, and you have a leaky gut, what are the inflammation levels are. So much information and we dumb it down and make it super simple. You might be like, yeah, you make a super simple. We make it super simple for you to understand. Again, your gut is a garden, you want to have a lot more good guys and bad guys, we look at that. And if the bad guys are overtaking the garden, then we can put together a laser-focused protocol that's based on how the diet that you need based on what your gut is dealing with at that moment. So now we're not guessing about that. We're not throwing darts in the dark. This is the exact diet that your body needs based on what the inflammation levels are. And then we can give you the right supplements to strengthen and heal and seal that gut wall, heal the leaky gut. L glutamine is one of my favorite supplements and is something that probably everybody should be taking right now anyway because the gut is under attack 24/7. It's the first line of defense. So we think that's a significant issue. I have a great leaky gut protocol. If we have time, we can share that as well. But we got to heal the leaky gut and then eradicate any bad guys that might be in there that are taking out the good guy. So we do that and you're gonna feel better, you're gonna get more energy, better sleep, and then we retest and the numbers are always just going to show progress if you're doing the right things.

    Elizabeth Stein 44:45
    Amazing. It's all about feeling empowered to have that information and make informed decisions and how to get better and realize that a lot of us are living with things that we don't even know we could be feeling so much better by making some changes.

    Dr. Daryl Gioffre 45:00
    What's wild is so many times clients will come to me and they're doing so many of the right things. So like, talk to me, like I'm eating clean outside inflammatory foods, strength foods. I'm taking the five supplements, I'm exercising, heck, I'm meditating. Like, what's going on? Why do I feel so bad? Why am I having bloating? The reason is that we are so toxic. So again, going back to the plant you can give the plants you need, but there's toxicity in that root system of a plant. And what's the root system of the body? It's your gut, it's going to take that plant out, maybe we can prolong that plant's life. But again, toxicity is more important than what we feed our bodies. It's so critical when we feed our body, but we have to address the toxins in there. And if you do that, then that gut can begin to heal.

    Elizabeth Stein 45:42
    Yeah. So I want to switch gears as we don't have a ton of time left and touch on some of your acid-kicking products because they're pretty unique and pretty amazing solutions. And I know you have some, I'm not a coffee drinker, but that acid-kicking coffee is pretty interesting, and also your alcohol one, so let's go there.

    Dr. Daryl Gioffre 46:05
    Oh, my gosh, two products I love. The acid kicking, I gotta give Kelly Ripa a huge shout-out she inspired me to make me aid kicking coffee. Because when she went on her show back in 2014. She's like, “I'm feeling so much better. I did all these changes, blah, blah, blah. I'm still drinking my coffee.” Because up until then, Elizabeth, I was telling my clients not to drink coffee. It's like there's a lot of upside to the coffee, but the one huge downside, it is so freaking acidic. It's 1,000 times more acidic than the water I'm drinking right now. And acid is going to take us out, it's going to irritate our gut, it's going to cause acid reflux, bloating, leaky gut, all the best stuff that we don't want. So it took me five years to create this product and a lot of failures along the way because I was never a coffee drinker. Now I am a coffee drinker because I tested the product like a million times, and I love coffee now. But again, I drink organic coffee, and I drink mold-free coffee, but this product is called acid acid-kicking alkalizer, a coffee alkalizer. It's a powder that you add to your coffee, which neutralizes all the acid in that coffee. So now you get the upside of the coffee, the good things in coffee minus that one huge downside. So if you're a black coffee drinker, we have a version for black coffee drinkers that does not change the taste of the coffee at all but gives you that acid-binding potential. And then we have different flavored ones that also have MCT oil and coconut oil. So it's gonna cream your coffee, it has five fat-burning enzymes, so it helps your body burn fat while you're drinking your coffee. Himalayan salts, help the sugar cravings with those trace minerals. And then, of course, the acid-fighting minerals. So it's an awesome product. I love it.

    Elizabeth Stein 47:36
    What’s in that? What's part of this mineral?

    Dr. Daryl Gioffre 47:39
    It's a proprietary blend of minerals, but it's your bit your big ones. It's your magnesium and potassium. It's your bicarbonate, your calcium, we tested this like we have all these different tests to see which minerals are the most powerful. So the minerals that you see in our acid-kicking alcohol, which we just launched recently, are different minerals than the ones that you see in the coffee, because the coffee acids are different than the acids that are in the alcohol, and they're gonna respond differently to minerals. So we had to test with pH testing, every different form of alcohol. I wasn't there drinking, don't worry. And there's a pH test. I used to drink, but I don't drink anymore. But basically what this is, is that it's an ionic blend of minerals that you add to your alcohol. So it's five drops in every drink, that's all it takes. it's five drops, it's not going to change the taste of your alcohol, it's not going to change the color. But again, just like coffee, it neutralizes all the acid that takes you out. And again, we look at alcohol, it's even more acidic than coffee. Wine has a pH of 3.1. It's 10,000 times more acidic than water. So it's not just like the component of the Alcohol itself. It's the acid that is giving us these brutal hangovers because it massively drains your minerals. When you drink alcohol, it's draining the minerals that you need to deal with the effects of the alcohol into the system. So our clients that are putting this into their drink, not only is it remineralizing them, it's helping them fight off the acid but now they're not getting hangovers.

    Elizabeth Stein 49:10
    Sounds amazing.

    Dr. Daryl Gioffre 49:12
    If you drink 20 drinks, you're gonna be hungover, right?

    Elizabeth Stein 49:15
    But to have two glasses of wine.

    Dr. Daryl Gioffre 49:18
    Exactly. You have a few or a couple of espresso martinis, whatever it is, you put five drops in this boom, like your body is loving you because what it does is it instantaneously takes the pH of the alcohol and brings it up to the pH of the gut, which is around 8.42. Now your guts not going to attack that because it needs to neutralize the acid because that's what your body's always trying to do. Your body is so smart. If I go outside, it's cold, it is going to drop, right? No. Your body basically will start to have all these buffers to keep you at 98.6 But you gotta get out of the cold. Well, what I do is I put on a nice warm winter jacket which neutralizes the cold. Now I'm okay. That's kind of what we're doing. We're buffering the acid. So now when it gets into the gut and the liver in the body, it's not going to take you out. The cool thing about this is that this one little tiny bottle can slip into your pocket or your pocketbook. But this will neutralize the acid in up to 40 drinks. So it's a little bottle, but it's got a lot of potential in it. So it's a lot of fun. And people are loving it right now. So it's been a fun product.

    Elizabeth Stein 50:15
    That's amazing. Gonna get my hands on that.

    Dr. Daryl Gioffre 50:19
    Yeah, we'll send you some for sure.

    Elizabeth Stein 50:20
    All right, well, we're gonna finish it up. I think you need to come back for round two. But in the meantime, we're going to finish it up with some rapid-fire Q&A. Three things that you're currently loving. It could be a product, TV show anything.

    Dr. Daryl Gioffre 50:38
    Oh, my gosh, this is a good question. Product, I would say there is this new amazing serum. I'm using called base food*50:46 which I love. And it's all-natural antioxidants. So that's something that I was introduced to that I love. As far as what I'm putting into my body, we have the Internal Shower 2.0 shot but I’m still in love with my Internal Shower Shot 1.0 which is six ounces of water, two tablespoons of chia seeds, and a slice of lemon and some Himalayan salt. I drink that every single morning on an empty stomach. And it's just really good for gut healing. And as far as what's on TV, my son is nine years old. I played soccer in college, I played for the under-20 national team. So I'm a huge soccer fan. And we live in Naples, Florida. So there's the big, messy, crazy, looking to Lionel Messi. He's in Miami. So we watch every game together. And it's so cool to buy. My daughter too. They come out wearing their peak uniforms, we're going into the game this Sunday. But we just love to watch soccer together. It's really fun. It's kind of a cool thing to just pick a stop in life and just be together and bond. That's the three things I would say.

    Elizabeth Stein 51:48
    Love it. Favorite words to live by.

    Dr. Daryl Gioffre 51:53
    Gratitude. Gratitude for me is the most important thing. Every day I wake up, I'm just so grateful to be alive. I'm grateful to have my family grateful to have our health and grateful to have the community. To just have this information to help as many people as possible and passion. I just love what I do and love to help people. It's what drives me every single day to get up and do this over and over and over. It doesn't get old. If I see one person's life turned around, it is worth it. So again, gratitude and passion.

    Elizabeth Stein 52:22
    Give a daily gratitude practice.

    Dr. Daryl Gioffre 52:26
    No, I just get up. I love to meditate the first thing that I do. Sometimes that meditation is 10 minutes long, it's an hour long. It all depends on what my schedule is like, it all depends on kind of what my mental state is. Sometimes I need that hour with the amount of stress going on. And sometimes I can get there in 10 minutes, but I just close my eyes and I just breathe and I just start to thank God for everything that they provide for us and the blessings that we have in our life. And I try to see if there are any messages that I need to hear there. So I think it's a combination of prayer and meditation. I think meditation is really when I listen more and see what's coming to me from above. But prayer is one to talk more and I put my intentions out there into the universe.

    Elizabeth Stein 53:11
    Three pantry staples.

    Dr. Daryl Gioffre 53:15
    Coconut oil is a big one. We use that for everything. I would say my green powders. The first thing I do when I wake up in the morning is get a scoop of my greens, and I throw that in. And of course that. It is. I mean it's something that my kids do. Like we will just throw up some milk and throw that. We put it in our chia pudding, we throw in our avocado, everything. It's like we use that a lot. And that's not just about you and beyond that we were talking about before, but I love that it's something we've been using for years and it's a big staple in our family.

    Elizabeth Stein 53:51
    Thank you. A favorite book or podcast for growth.

    Dr. Daryl Gioffre 53:55
    I love The Skinny Confidential. Lauryn and Michael Bosstick are two of my favorite people. I've been on it three times. But it's not because I've been on it, they're the most down-to-earth people. They just really provide so much value. So that's the best one I love. Of course, I love the podcasts that I’m on right now. People in your world that like just spend the time to give that energy out to people. I have so much respect for you, Gary Brecka. The list goes on and on and on. You're taking up your valuable time to introduce your tribe to different people that you think can have an impact and bring a different slant of health. We all have our kind of unique spin on health and our unique successes and things that work and things that don't work. So I think the fact that you guys do those things and help bring it out to people, it's just amazing. It's so crazy. I have a million books all around. I'll never read a book from the start. If something catches me, I'll just like buy the book and then I'll get that book in I'll just open up a page. And wherever that page kind of opened up was the message I was meant to hear today. So I find myself with books scattered everywhere all over the house, because everyone goes, oh, I'll get a pearl of wisdom for just like a five minute. I shouldn't be having a Kindle. But it's something that we do every night with our children, we will read to each other, they'll read and I'll read. And sometimes it's fun like a little storybook. And other times, it's a book about health or the Bible. But I think reading is super important.

    Elizabeth Stein 55:34
    And lastly, what is your number one non-negotiable to thrive on your wellness journey?

    Dr. Daryl Gioffre 55:39
    Oh, wow, that is a good one. I think that one, I just gotta say, what came to my mind is sleep. There are so many different things. But I can tell you that exercise came up too. But sleep for me is the big one. Because I have a million things going on. And I'm always kind of like, at the end of the day wired because I'm just doing so many things. But I noticed the times in my life when I'm not getting eight to nine hours of good quality deep REM sleep, I'm off my game. It's the number of hours of sleep, but it's also the quality of sleep. So to me, what happens in that room as far as like, it's got to be pitch black, essential oils smelling, if anyone's going to spend a lot of money, I think that's even more important than your pitch, and having a really good air purifier. Just creating a sanctuary so when you go into that room, you know you are in your space, your phone is at least a minimum of four feet, but six feet away from you, Wi-Fi off if possible, and no distractions because when you get that sleep, you're gonna wake up ready to tic acid that next morning. But if you don't, it becomes a whole chain reaction. But what I also realized was, that it's not just what I do before I go to sleep. It's what I do from the moment I wake up. If I want to get good sleep at night, that sleep starts from what I do from the moment I wake up, and it's the cycle of my life. So it's really about being on purpose all day. Not about being 100% about finding your balance. But when you find your balance, I think that the sleep is going to work itself out for you the way it needs to.

    Elizabeth Stein 57:13
    I am right there with you. I'm an eight to nine-hour night sleeper. So important. Well, Dr. Daryl, thank you so much for being here. This was so much fun. I think we need to do a second episode. But in the meantime, where can everybody find you?

    Dr. Daryl Gioffre 57:30
    Thank you so much for having me on and again, for everything that you do for this world. It's just amazing. And we're so honored to be on this, but you can find me at That's our website, and I'm on Instagram, which is also @getoffyouracid, which is more of the product side, but more of the information side is @drdarylgioffre.

    Elizabeth Stein 57:56
    Wonderful. Thanks so much for being here.

    Dr. Daryl Gioffre 57:57
    Thank you, Elizabeth. Appreciate it.

    Elizabeth Stein 58:01
    Thanks so much for joining me on Live Purely with Elizabeth. I hope you feel inspired to thrive on your wellness journey. If you enjoyed today's episode, don't forget to rate, subscribe, and review. You can follow us on Instagram @purely_elizabeth to catch up on all the latest. See you next Wednesday on the podcast.

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