Elizabeth’s guest this week is Esha Chhabra, author of Working To Restore, and journalist with a decade-long focus on global development, the environment, and business. Esha’s work has been featured in publications such as the New York Times, Economist, Guardian, Wired, and more. In her talk with Elizabeth, Esha defines what “regenerative” means to her and shares the common threads that she sees in successful businesses. She discusses the challenges she faced during her research and writing of the book, how reporting out in the field led her to write Working to Restore, and a few of her favorite stories along the way. She discusses the book’s nine areas including agriculture, waste, inclusivity in the supply chain, and more. Esha provides some great ways consumers can make an impact and also shares how she regenerates and restores her own energy, including computer-free weekends and slowing it all down.
Sustainability, Regenerative Business, & Mission-Driven Brands
with Esha Chhabra

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