As a social media manager, it sometimes feels impossible to "unplug" from my job since social media never sleeps. Every week, I dread my seeing my "screen report" pop up on my phone so I decided to make a change. Instead of leaning into the Sunday Scaries, I've decided to try my hand at doing a spring digital detox.
Instead of unplugging entirely (since it's impossible with my job), I decided to focus bringing more intentionality to my relationship with technology. These are my go-to tips for a digital detox and I hope they leave you feeling as refreshed and renewed as I felt heading into this new season!
1. No Phones in the Bedroom
One easy trick I use to minimize my screen time is to charge my phone in a different room at night. This not only reduces the amount of time I spend doom-scrolling before bedtime, but also forces me to get out bed in the morning instead of immediately checking my notifications.
2. Technology Free Walks
Walking is just one of the ways I like to practice self-care and I always try to make time to fit it into my daily routine. My mornings consist of walking my dog before work and listening to a podcast to start my day so I find that by leaving my phone at home, I'm able to be more present and start my day off on a positive note.
3. Set Boundaries
Something that has made a big difference for me is to set a timer on all of my personal social media accounts. I would find myself doing my job and logging into brand accounts, but then getting sucked into my own personal accounts. Setting a timer has helped me become more aware of how much time i'm actually spending on social media and has limited my overall usage.
4. Practicing Mindfulness
There are an unlimited amount of creators on this platform which can sometimes lead to inspiration, but other times can lead to a huge time suck or unhealthy comparison. By being mindful of the accounts i'm following, i'm able to see content that either brings inspiration or connects me to others. Detoxing can also mean unfollowing any accounts that aren't serving you positively. Every few months I love to go on an "unfollowing spree" to make sure my feed is still in alignment with what I need and want to see.
5. Turning off Unnecessary Notifications
Our phones are constantly temping us to open it with every big or small notification that pops up. By turning off notifications for apps that aren't necessary, I find myself having less phone anxiety and don't feel the need to check my phone as much.
6. Being Intentional with Screen Time
The first step in changing any behavior is being aware of what that behavior is. I recently tracked how often I checked my phone in the span of an hour and I was shocked! Those quick instagram or TikTok sessions can quickly turn into hours, so it's important to be aware of how and when we're using our phones. I find that by asking myself, "is this the best use of my time?" and "is there anything I could/should be doing in this moment?" I am able to be more intentional with screen time.
7. Finding Alternative Activities
I love finding activities where it forces me to put my phone down and be present in the moment. I have always loved yoga and hiking, and have recently picked up painting!