Lifestyle Tips for Longevity and Maximizing Mitochondrial Health
Lifestyle Tips for Longevity and Maximizing Mitochondrial Health

“One of the roots of why our cells and our body ultimately starts to age is because that power plant is basically dying out. When we can recycle those power plants, we can do things through our diet, lifestyle and supplementation that can help generate to help them beef up their energy, so our cells can act in a more youthful way.”

- Jennifer Scheinman

Elizabeth welcomes Jennifer Scheinman, a highly accomplished registered dietitian and nutritionist, who currently serves as the Senior Manager at Timeline Nutrition. Jennifer begins by sharing her background in functional nutrition and her journey to healing from debilitating Lyme disease. She then taps into the crucial role of mitochondria in energy metabolism, cellular function, and aging. Jennifer offers some great tips on optimizing mitochondrial health through diet, stress management, and supplementation. She shares her excitement for Timeline Nutrition’s promising research on products like MitoPure and discusses what’s next in understanding the benefits of addressing the root causes of aging, particularly through the powerful compound Urolithin A.

    Elizabeth Stein 0:00
    Hi, everyone. I'm Elizabeth Stein, founder, and CEO of Purely Elizabeth. And this is Live Purely with Elizabeth, featuring candid conversations about how to thrive on your wellness journey.

    This week's guest is Jennifer Scheinman, an accomplished registered dietitian nutritionist with a master's degree in integrative and functional nutrition, complemented by advanced training in bioenergetics and hormone balance from the Institute of Functional Medicine, granting her a deep comprehension of the intricate connection between nutrition cellular health and longevity. Currently serving as a senior manager at Timeline Nutrition, Jennifer plays a pivotal role in educating healthcare professionals and consumers on the role of cellular health and your lift in Aging and Longevity. Timeline nutrition makes the first clinically tested lithium available for their supplement might or pure. In this episode, we discuss how mitochondrial health impacts our energy levels, health span, and more. Jennifer explains that mitochondrial health is crucial for overall health, what things in our environment and diet impact our mitochondria, and the strategies for optimizing mitochondrial function. We talked about the promising benefits of supplementing with Urolithin A, which is derived from pomegranate polyphenols and supports muscle strength, and cellular energy endurance and induces mitophagy, the recycling process that eliminates malfunctioning mitochondria. In addition, she shares the skincare benefits of urolithin A which includes increased collagen production, enhanced hydration, and damage protection. Keep listening to learn more. And if you want to try their products, which I have been a big fan of for the last couple of months. You can use code LIVEPURELY for 10% off at Enjoy.
    Jennifer, welcome to the podcast. I'm so excited for our conversation today.

    Jennifer Scheinman 03:04
    Thank you. I'm really excited to be here as well.

    Elizabeth Stein 03:06
    So would love to start with your background. I know you have a background in nutrition and functional medicine and what's been your journey? Have you always been interested in health and nutrition?

    Jennifer Scheinman 03:20
    Yeah, absolutely. So straight out of college, I decided to go the route of becoming a registered dietician. So, where I went to school, we didn't actually have a nutrition program. So I actually had to go back to school and get all of my classes for nutrition and did that for quite a few years. I've worked in some different areas like clinical and hospital private practice and corporate wellness. And probably about 10 years ago or so, which I think is the case for a lot of people, I was struggling with some of my own health issues, and conventional medicine was failing me. And it turned out that I had chronic Lyme. It was at that point that I really started to get interested in functional nutrition and functional medicine and a different way to kind of approach health healing and longevity. And I did go back to school at that point to get my Master's in integrative and functional nutrition. It was also around that time that I started to be reintroduced to the mitochondria, or I would say like introduce them to them in a different way, right? Because in nutrition school, we really just learned about it in terms of glucose metabolism. And there's so much more. And so I've become a bit of a mitochondria nerd in the past couple of years as well. So we'd love to touch on your line before we happen to mitochondria. Because that's certainly a topic that I think some people can relate to and have struggled with.

    Elizabeth Stein 04:45
    So what was that journey for you in discovering it? I know that could be a whole podcast in and of itself, but if you could just do a little bit of that story.

    Jennifer Scheinman 5:00
    I'm From New York originally, and at that time I was living in Colorado. But I did come back east very often. But I think because I was living in Colorado where Lyme is not really, I think it's getting a lot more attention. But tics are not as prevalent there.

    Elizabeth Stein 05:18
    Oh, although this past summer, it was so funny. We were just talking about it, because our, oh, you gotta get your dogs on tick medicine. So it certainly is.

    Jennifer Scheinman 05:30
    Yeah, yeah. It is important that people are aware of it. So I think that was part of why it took so long to get diagnosed. But also because my symptoms were just so vague. They were just like crippling fatigue, brain fog, very weird muscle pains, and tingling, mostly in my hands and feet. And doctor after doctor was doing blood tests, and just saying, “Oh, this is just normal.” And I was like, I'm 40. And I also don't have kids. So I can go to sleep at like nine o'clock at night. And like, wake up at seven. I don't think that this is normal fatigue for over a year old. And so that was really where I found functional nutrition and functional medicine, I should say, and practice in Denver, and she was really the first she was a nurse practitioner. She was really the first person I think, who just listened to me and was like, we're gonna test everything. And so I did a number of different tests, everything from muscle testing, to some blood tests, and lo and behold, I had a lot of CO infections of Lyme as well and went on a journey of probably three years of different herbals, some prescription meds, until I've kind of finally started feeling like myself, but I think the biggest thing I could just say for anyone who's struggling with that is finding someone who at least will just acknowledge your symptoms. Like to me that was like, the biggest thing. I was like, oh, I'm not crazy, because that was the other thing. I was getting a lot of like, anxiety and depression, and they're like, “Oh, you're just anxious and depressed. That's why you're tired.” It's like, no, no, I'm anxious and depressed because I'm so tired.

    Elizabeth Stein 06:58
    Yeah, no, I think that's so important. I think, also just being your own health advocate, and like in your heart and your gut when something is not right. And I think one of the beauties of functional medicine more so than traditional is certainly having that practitioner who listens, who's trying to get to the root of it, and not just trying to give you a quick answer, and you're in, you're out. So whether it's Lyme, or anything else, I think it's such a great takeaway for people listening to this.

    Jennifer Scheinman 07:27
    I'm just finding a practitioner, that you feel like you're collaborating and that you're a partner in your health verse, like more of an authoritarian, like, just do this. This is what I say, This is what I do. It's just, and I think medicine is really moving in that direction, which I love.

    Elizabeth Stein 07:45
    Super exciting. Okay, so you go on this journey, and then you start learning more and discovering more about the mitochondria and their function in our health span, perhaps versus just being this glucose powerhouse.

    Jennifer Scheinman 08:05
    Yeah, in pretty much everything. I mean, when you think about it, mitochondria are so cool. So let's just start with the fact that there's evidence that we actually evolved, sort of in a symbiotic relationship with our mitochondria. And so they were actually this like separate, tiny, little cells that can produce energy. And that we then as we evolved into humans, or it's just like, back when we're like primordial mud muck, but that we evolved with these little guys. And they have their own DNA that is separate from us, there's a lot of evidence that they were like this own little unique. I know, we call them the powerhouse of the cell, which is a bit of a disservice because they do so much more. But they were their own little battery pack that we just started to evolve with so that we could have energy and grow into these multi-celled beings. I think that's so cool. And they have this little lifecycle inside them as well. So they actually don't just stay static, they can recycle, they can fuse together and separate. I've even heard a practitioner talk about them like they like to hold hands with each other, just kind of like all meeting the energy demands of the different tissues in your cells and during the different times of the day. So I think that is so cool. And we are just really scratching the surface of what the mitochondria do for our body besides just the powerhouse of the cell, which we all learned back in probably high school biology. And so that was really, like I said, the first time when I was going through that journey that a practitioner was telling me I needed to kind of mind my mitochondria and think about them. And that potentially part of the reason that I was having so much fatigue was because there was so much damage to my mitochondria. And so journey to sort of where I am in my career now is I work for a company called Timeline, and we'll probably chat a bit about Mitopure, but we make a supplement called urolithin A called Mitopure that targets mitochondrial health and I started working at this company on honestly as a freelancer, and was blown away by the science that this company is doing. And that's really where I came on board full-time about a year and a half ago, just really trying to get people as excited as I am about the mitochondria. I think of it often for people who are like, mitochondria, I don't want to think about it. If you think about where the probiotics and gut health were 10 years ago, and now everybody knows the importance of gut health and these little critters that live in our gut. I think in a few years, we're going to be in a very similar place where people are gonna be thinking about mitochondrial health because of its role in so many different aspects of health and aging. And so we're going to be having to mind our mitochondria, just like we have to mind our gut.

    Elizabeth Stein 10:45
    My mind was just going exactly there feeling like this was just on the cusp of where probiotics were in the gut conversation. So let's kind of take us back to, we know that it's not just this powerhouse, as we said, for energy. But how do we think about the importance of mitochondria for metabolism, for longevity?

    Jennifer Scheinman 11:06
    Yeah, so they do, as I said, a number of things besides just energy, but for the bulk of this conversation will focus on energy because I think, where people can really grasp it, but just a few of the other things they do, they help with calcium balance in the cells, they help signal cells when cells should kind of retire and die. Even like some of our steroid hormones, they play a role in the generation of that. So they do so many things. But if you think, again, to this sort of simplistic, just energy metabolism, for every cell to do its job, it needs energy. So regardless of whether it's a brain cell, whether it's a muscle cell, whether it's a cell in your eye, each of those cells does its own job, they need energy to do that. Now, the issue is, unfortunately, as we create energy, just like an extra factory, like any other factory when it does its job, it starts to wear down, it starts to break down. And your mitochondria are no different from that. And so as they start to wear down, not just through youth, but also as we get older, or diet stress all of the things that are sort of in our environment today, they all exacerbate this mitochondrial decline. So if your brain cells don't have the same energy that they needed, when they were younger, if your muscle cells don't have the same energy that they got when they were younger, they're not gonna function the same way. And so that is really like, one of the roots, there's many, but there's one of the roots of why ourselves and our body ultimately start to age is because that power plant is basically dying out. And we can recycle those power plants, we can do things through our diet, we can do things through our lifestyle, we can do things through supplementation that can help generate those power plants to kind of help them beef up their energy, so our cells can act in a more youthful way.

    Elizabeth Stein 12:56
    So one of those things is mitophagy, which is recycling and cleaning out if you can kind of walk through what that looks like, and how we should be thinking about, okay, this isn't just doomed and gloom, as you said that we don't have these mitochondria who are going to come to an end. And well, they could, but there's a way to really harness that and nourish and make them better.

    Jennifer Scheinman 13:24
    Yeah, absolutely. And so I think that we're in this place where people are learning so much more about cells and their importance of where we are ultimately just trillions of cells. And the fasting community has been talking a lot about this recycling process of cells called autophagy. So any of your listeners who are familiar with why fasting is so key for longevity and healthy aging, and so many aspects of our health is because it triggers this recycling process of our cells. There's a very targeted specific type of recycling that happens just to the mitochondria. And that's called mitophagy, so it's like autophagy on your mitochondria, mitophagy. And so we've developed this sort of anti-aging process and innate ability of ourselves to do that, because as I mentioned, the mitochondria are so important for our health, and they're also so susceptible to damage just through the job of creating energy. Mitophagy does happen normally in our bodies, and then there are things that we can do that can upregulate that and help to kind of think of it like cleaning out the junk drawer. So when you have these crowded, dysfunctional or just even think about like a city that's full of factories, you can build new factories, but until you take out those factories, demolish them, use what you still can, and then build new ones, that's really the most efficient way to generate more energy.

    Elizabeth Stein 14:48
    So this one way of mitophagy that is cleaning it out, you just mentioned that you could also have created more power plants so to speak. So what are all those different ways then that we can think about helping the mitochondria, whether that's cleaning out, building more, etc?

    Jennifer Scheinman 15:08
    So I think of it in like, three buckets, right? And again, I always keep repeating I know I repeat the factory, but I'm very visual. And so I know some people can hopefully hear this. So you think about a factory, and start with the raw materials, so the food that you eat and the air that you breathe, and it goes through this complex assembly line with different ingredients and workers and people that are working on that assembly line at the end, you get cellular energy. So the way you can optimize that is starting with the best raw materials for sure, you can hire more workers, you can protect that factory. So things like your B vitamins, magnesium, and so many of the nutrients we get in the food we eat are all cofactors, helping to ensure that energy is being produced as efficiently as possible. Things like antioxidants and polyphenols are great for protecting that factory. And then of course, there are things it's called biogenesis, at the creation of new factories, and then there's mitochondria mitophagy, which is the recycling, breaking down. And so there are different things that you can do in all three of those stages. And the truth is, I don't want listeners to get super bogged down in all the different things that they have to do, whether they're stimulating new mitochondria or recycling. The baseline of a healthy diet, healthy exercise, stress reduction, and getting out in nature, are good for every single process along the chain of helping your metabolism. And then there are things you can do that are a little bit more targeted, that are kind of up-leveling, and taking it to the next level. Of course, like exercise and playing with the types of exercise that you do fasting, and then supplementation of particular nutrients can kind of optimize the mitochondria, in whichever part of that sort of those three buckets you want to do.

    Elizabeth Stein 17:05
    Okay, so let's talk about how we optimize our mitochondria. I think probably a lot of us are doing the baseline and maybe wanting to hear how we go and create a greater health span in our life comes from optimizing. So let's start with the exercises you first mentioned.

    Jennifer Scheinman 17:14
    So it appears from the research that... So I know there's like a lot of talk in the space right now about like muscle and strength, right? And this is not to discount that for longevity, we need healthy muscles. But if we're talking really just about mitochondria. While strength is important, it looks like HIT is really great that that stress that we're Misa is that really helps to generate new mitochondria, our body likes a little bit of stress. And that's part of why fasting is so important. It's a bit of stress, they call it hormesis. So that's one way.

    Elizabeth Stein 17:49
    So when you say HIT, how many times a week, how much time should we be doing that? Is there research showing that amount?

    Jennifer Scheinman 17:55
    I'm not aware of any research that's like that prescriptive in terms of mitochondrial health, you need to do HIT 30 minutes, three times a week, what's more important is sort of finding a balance of all different types of exercise. So strength training at a minimum, probably three times a week, doing some HIT maybe two times a week, doing some active recovery, walking, moving. I'm not really aware of like a very prescriptive element of how you do it. My background, as somebody who used to do private practice, is also just what's fun for you, what do you most likely stick with? Because I think sometimes when we start to get too prescriptive, it becomes overwhelming, right? Even when we talk about diet, right? There's perfect, and then there's just what's realistic for you.

    Elizabeth Stein 18:46
    Totally. Okay, so that's our exercise. And then as you mentioned hormesis, does that mean that doing other forms of hormesis then would be beneficial for mitochondria? Say cold plunge or…?

    Jennifer Scheinman 19:00
    Absolutely. So things like cold plunge, things like sauna therapy, red light therapy, there's more and more research coming out around all of that as well. And again, is there sort of a perfect prescription? I've heard or read that in both minutes. Combined, not a one-minute cold plunge seems to be enough. You don't necessarily need to do that more. Some of the docs I've worked with, though, also think that cold plunge can be very, very stressful if we're already in a bit of a stress state and so maybe sort of softer message methods of Hornby says like red light and heat therapy sauna might be a better place to start. So I think this is where you kind of have to work with your own practitioner and again, know your body best and know what feels restorative to you. But absolutely getting outside in the elements is a great way even when it's raining, I'm trying to get outside. I live in the Northeast when it's cold. I try to get outside so stressing your body. It doesn't have to be extreme, but just making yourself feel a little uncomfortable at times.

    Elizabeth Stein 20:05
    And then the second one you mentioned was fasting.

    Jennifer Scheinman 20:09
    So this one's also a little tricky because a lot of fasting studies, when we looked down to the cell level are done in in mouse and animal models and of course, we're not that, again, I think, especially for women, we have to be careful in how extreme we are with their fasting. I start my recommendations, if you're someone who's never really dipped their toe into fasting at all, with just sort of time-restricted eating of at a baseline 12 hours overnight, which I don't even really call that fasting. I call that sort of normal eating. But for people who do snack at night, wake up early, right, that could feel like a lot for them. And then there are some studies that show longer fasts closer to 16 hours may help to trigger some of that autophagy a little bit more. And then there are also some studies that say even some of these longer fasts, which again, you need to be really careful about doing those without sort of some guidance, but some longer like 36-hour or even three-day fasts might be needed to really start figuring that autophagy on a deeper level.

    Elizabeth Stein 21:16
    How about you personally, what do you do?

    Jennifer Scheinman 21:18
    I do a minimum of 12-hour fast every day. I got a lot more lacks about it. I'm sort of going through perimenopause and my hormones are all over the place. And my appetite is all over the place. So sometimes it's 14 hours. About once a quarter I do a longer fast I'm I do either like prolonged fasting, or mimic die. I don't know if you're familiar with that. Or I just will do a longer 36-hour fast, just a water fast with some electrolytes.

    Elizabeth Stein 21:49
    Okay, so our third bucket in optimizing the mitochondria would be supplementation. And that's where urolithin A comes in. So let's dive into all of the science on urolithin A.

    Jennifer Scheinman 22:00
    Yeah, so I am betting that most people listening have never heard of urolithin A. I feel so lucky that I get to teach people about something that they have probably never heard of before, as opposed to like, “Oh, tell me something new about vitamin C.” So we'll start with what it is. And then I'll kind of get into like what it does for the mitochondria and what the research shows. So it's a post-biotic nutrient. So we were talking before about how far we've come with learning about gut health. And so one of the things that we've learned is our gut, they house all of these bacteria, and we basically give these bacteria room and board, they get to live inside our gut, and they get to digest the things we can't digest. So things like some of the fibers that we can't digest, polyphenols, these are types of plant compounds that are in a lot of the foods that we eat. We can't digest them, but our gut will, and then they pay us back in post-biotics, so these molecules offer health to our body, not just in the gut, but beyond. And so some of the post-biotics like Vitamin K is a post-biotic, some B vitamins, short chain fatty acids, we're learning about even the fact that the gut can impact our brain or our skin. So much of this is because of the molecules that they're producing. So one of these post-biotics is called urolithin A and I know that's a mouthful. So the branded version is Mitopure. So I'll be switching back and forth, but I'll try to use Mitopure more because I know it's a big word. So that's what it is, we don't get it naturally from food, I think that's an important thing to have people understand. You need a healthy gut microbiome in order to make urolithin A. So that's kind of the key takeaway I want people to remember. And what it does is it doesn't stay localized to the gut, we absorb it, it goes to our cells, and it triggers that process of mitophagy, that cellular recycling in a very similar way to the way that exercise does it. So it's a very complex pathway. And it works almost in a similar way, the way exercise does to trigger that cellular recycling process.

    Elizabeth Stein 24:16
    So first of all, it's super interesting that as we talked about gut health and mitochondria, they are connected, which is no surprise. But certainly having that gut health then is critical for our body to be able to also have the best mitochondria. Is that the right way to think about it?

    Jennifer Scheinman 24:34
    I think yes. And no. So yes, in the sense that yes, we want to be doing all the things to optimize our health or our mitochondria for every part of our body. The problem and this is where the no comes in is that some of us, unfortunately, have damaged our gut microbiome that may never recover. Like I know for myself. I was a bottle-fed baby, I was a C-section baby. I used a lot of antibiotics when I was younger. And so there may be certain bacteria in my gut that will never grow. And that's one of the things we've tested large populations to see who is producing urolithin A, and even some people who take really good care of their gut are not producing any or very little amounts of it. So you don't know. And we don't know unfortunately which bacteria is making urolithin A. So we can't even say like, take this probiotic, and you'll get your listening. The other thing that's interesting in the case of urolithin A is, that this is a clinical study that was run when we look at blood levels of how much you're lifting in the blood. I know somebody who is just getting it from the diet for someone who's getting it from supplementation, you would actually have to drink the equivalent of six cups of pomegranate juice a day to get the same amount that is in 500 milligrams of mitopure. And so I think that pomegranates are very healthy, I love them, and I include them in my diet, but six cups of pomegranate juice is definitely not something that I'd be recommending, probably the sugar that you're getting from that is doing more harm to your body than urolithin A is. The takeaway is not that you shouldn't care about gut health. But just if you're very specifically focused on your urolithin A, you might want to think of other ways to kind of up that.

    Elizabeth Stein 26:34
    Okay. So first, I guess to take a step back, how did Timeline discover this, urolithin A, and talk a little bit about the trials and studies that have happened, and the benefits that we're finding that it's creating for it?

    Jennifer Scheinman 26:52
    Yeah, so the parent company of Timeline is actually a research arm called Amazentis. And the company was really founded by doctors and scientists. What really stood out about this company and was part of why I wanted to join is they're taking a very unique approach to dietary supplementation, almost like a biotech or a pharmaceutical type, where they're studying in depth, these molecules before they even have a product that's on the market. And I just think working in the nutrition world, that's just a very, it's usually the other way around. So they weren't the ones who actually discovered urolithin A, but they are the ones who sort of put it on the map. And it started really with unpacking everything that was in the pomegranate. And there are hundreds of bioactives in the pomegranate. This was about 15 years ago, I think POM Wonderful was having a day and everyone was talking about pomegranate juice. So they kind of went around the world collecting pomegranates from all different areas where they're their native and identifying these different bioactives in there. And so Urolithin A was one that went on their radar. And the thing I think that that got the most excited was they took a group of worms, and we started a lot of research and longevity in worms because worms live about 30 days. So it's really easy to kind of start to measure things that are happening there. So they fed one group of worms, these polyphenols, the antioxidants that are in the pomegranate, and they fed the other group of worms, you're listening to a post biotic and the worms that were fed your lip and a lived about 45% longer than the other ones. And they were super active. And that was like, whoa, what is this? And when we look at other longevity-boosting kinds of nutrients and practices. Caloric restriction and fasting will give worms about a 47% improvement in lifespan. Some of these other molecules that are gaining a lot of traction like the NAD precursors, even some of the prescriptions like rapamycin and metformin, those were 15% to 20%. So this really stood out. Then from there, they identified that the mechanism of action was mitophagy boosting. And so they moved into mouse trials and saw again these improvements in activity and muscle strength and mice. And then from there, we moved to humans and kind of did some similar style research, where first we did a proof-of-concept study, which was really safe and efficacy, and we did muscle biopsies, so in sort of average sedentary, 70-year-olds, and we looked at their muscle, mitochondrial health before they started, and then they were, it was a double-blind, randomized placebo-controlled trial, which is sort of gold standard in medicine. And so when they looked at people who were getting 500 milligrams or 1000 milligrams, and they did the muscle biopsies after four weeks, they saw that the mitochondrial function was much more robust than mitophagy, all of that cellular energy was statistically much more robust than the people who are on placebo. And then the question kind of became, well, okay, so what? How am I going to feel like what is that really going to do? And of course, you can't really measure lifespan in humans. Or at least we're not really doing that right now. So we have to find other important, biometrics and other important outcomes. And so we started really with the muscle story because muscle is so important to longevity movement as we age, we know that muscle decline starts to happen in our 30s. And we say it in two different groups of populations, both were sedentary. One was middle-aged adults, and one was older adults. And what we found at the end of both of those studies were improvements in markers like muscle strength, muscle endurance, inflammatory markers, and C reactive protein. And we also saw improvements, they were not necessarily statistically significant, but they were still clinically meaningful and relevant and trending towards significant improvements and things like VO2Max and the six-minute walk test. It's like, how far can you walk in six minutes? So all of that really has garnered so much excitement about this molecule and maturity, everywhere from Healthy Aging to even fitness and performance. Because, again we want our muscles to be as strong and healthy and utilize energy as much as possible, whether you're running a marathon or running after your toddler.

    Elizabeth Stein 31:16
    Oh, that's why I started taking it. Definitely, to help my strength. And actually, it's funny, because I do feel like cardiovascularly even I've noticed a difference.

    Jennifer Scheinman 31:25
    Yeah, I mean, that's what our customers tell us all the time too. For me personally, one of the lingering things I had from Lyme was when I found because we've only myopia it really only been on the market for about four years. So I was pretty much done with my recovery from Lyme. But I really struggled with fatigue and brain fog, those were sort of the two things that I just couldn't let go of. And this has made a significant improvement in that for me as well. So just that sort of I get through my day, and I'm like, oh, I don't have to lie down. It's like I can get through my day, I can cook dinner, I can work out I can do all the things and feel like a normal person.

    Elizabeth Stein 32:05
    So you mentioned all of those that are real benefits, I would say for body and mind, too. But then there's also the skin side of might appear. So I'd love for you to talk a little bit about what those benefits look like for our skin because we're certainly all looking also for healthy, glowing skin as we age as well.

    Jennifer Scheinman 32:27
    So it all goes back to this mechanism of action, right? This mitophagy. And remember that whether it's a muscle cell, whether it's a brain cell, or whether it's a skin cell, they all need ample energy to do their job. And skin is one of the first places that we see aging. Unless you're talking about like, aching joints. You look in the mirror one day, and you're like, whoa, what's going on there, I look older. And so myopia or you're looking at it can be absorbed directly through the skin cells. So I think of it for people who are like, how does that work we know vitamin C, you need to eat it. But you also can apply it topically and it has no more direct impact on your skin when you apply it topically. And so urolithin A works in a completely different way. It's very similar, you can eat it, and you can also apply it to the skin. And what's interesting is that we see the impact a lot faster in the skin cells, when you apply it topically. It stays a little more localized a little more put an action there. And so what we've seen is in just 72 hours, we start to see that mitophagy turning over and skin cells, and it was done through skin biopsies. And then we see that because you have more energy for these cells, they're doing two things. So the genes that turn on college and assembly and production and organization, they're upregulated. So we're producing more collagen on our own. And the other thing, which is pretty cool and unique is that there seems to be this protection as well, the skin cells are more resilient to the damaging effects of the sun. The sun causes 80% of what causes our skin to age. So this isn't meant to be like a sunblock, it's not protective in that way. But when there's redness, when there's inflammation that's happening from sun damage, the skin cells seem to resolve that inflammation more quickly when they use the urolithin A. And then what we've done with our clinicals and our whole skin line is we start to see much more hydration glowing skin. And then we see this visible reduction in fine lines and wrinkles in just two weeks. And then at about eight weeks, it becomes statistically significant. So it's pretty remarkable what's happening on the skin as well.

    Elizabeth Stein 34:33
    I was going to ask, so that's the timeline as far as topically, and how about taking it internally? What do you see sort of those timelines of really seeing or feeling a difference?

    Jennifer Scheinman 34:46
    Yeah, I'll start with what the research says and then what people are telling us. So the research we see at one month, that's where we did the muscle biopsies to see that mitochondrial turnover. So this isn't instant gratification, but one month there's more cellular energy, and then two months and four months we start to see improvements in muscle strength and muscle performance, or muscle endurance. But our customers are kind of across the board. I mean, a lot of people, I'd say like one month to six weeks seem to be that sweet spot where they're starting to notice more energy. We hear things like I really didn't change anything, but I tracked my VO2Max either with like an aura ring or an Apple Watch. And it's proven, that my sleep has improved. So people are feeling things much sooner than four months. But I think it's important to say to give it a fair chance, and the expectation that this isn't overnight, it's not like I'm happy, or even like a B vitamin, which you feel pretty instantly this is happening at the cells and it takes some time to recycle, rebuild and produce that energy. So I think giving it a four-month wait time is a good amount of time to sort of have that expectation.

    Elizabeth Stein 35:52
    I was going to ask, actually, so I went ordering as I see that you do too. Do you hear that there's an increased daily recovery number that sees an increase from taking Mitopure?

    Jennifer Scheinman 36:06
    Yeah, the two things that I've heard are again, like the VO2Max and I noticed you're reading readiness score. That readiness score, which I think takes into account a number of things like your recovery and HRV. But when I first started taking it, I noticed that mine seemed to be trending up too. And there wasn't really anything that I was doing that was different. We haven't really studied any of these real-world using an aura ring, as I said, we'd seen improvements and VO2Max in our clinical trials, but those we're not using, like, iPhones and watches. But we do hear that for sure.

    Elizabeth Stein 36:50
    Yeah, cuz I think I'm at about month three of taking it. And I have just the last couple of weeks started to really see my readiness fire and was sort of scratching my head until right now thinking. Maybe this is what it's from. So yep.

    Jennifer Scheinman 37:02
    Yeah, we hear that all that kind of stuff. Even in the skin, we hear things just improvements in skin texture or improvements in dark spots. Again, those weren't things that we have studied. So I don't have like clinical claim to say about those. But those are some of the feedback that we've been getting as well.

    Elizabeth Stein 37:18
    What are some of your other top tips for food or supplements for health span, and longevity?

    Jennifer Scheinman 37:29
    Gosh, lots. So here are kind of the things I'm personally working on. And those are sort of habits I'm trying to build and become even if I do them a little bit fine to do more. And so the first thing is just not so much exercise, of course, but daily movement. So getting up from my desk much more often, and not just sit for eight hours. So getting up trying to do that every one to two hours and aiming to really get like 1000 steps in every day. Again, regardless of what else I'm doing in terms of strength or cardio. The other thing I'm really focused on and I know this sounds a bit like a broken record for a lot of people, but it's focusing on sleep, especially as I'm going through perimenopause, it's become a lot more of an issue. So incorporating some sleep, meditations, and making sure I'm turning off my blue lights, and just taking all of that to the next level. And then diet. I really tried very hard as we were talking about focusing on gut health. So making sure that I'm eating a ton of fiber and whole grains I tried to have probiotic-rich foods every day.

    Elizabeth Stein 38:38
    What kind of probiotic-rich foods do you focus on?

    Jennifer Scheinman 38:42
    So I usually will put either like kimchi or sauerkraut or something like that, I'll put that like usually on my salad every day. And then I'll have either a yogurt or coconut yogurt. I do dairy as well. Or like a kefir drink, I'll put it into my smoothie. So those are usually the main ones that I'm doing. I take probiotics as well. And then supplements, of course, after lime, I was on so many. So I really sort of scaled back what I take because I was just so sick of taking so many things. Of course, I take a multivitamin, I take D and K. I take an Omega three, and of course, I take mitopure as well.

    Elizabeth Stein 39:24
    Okay, so what's next for Timeline?

    Jennifer Scheinman 39:28
    Oh, gosh, so much stuff. So it's a really it's really exciting time to be part of this company. So I think first and foremost, we're just really trying to become this hub of longevity, education, and helping people to really feel empowered to take their health into their own hands. And then we thought like lots of exciting research that will be coming out over hopefully this year and I just want people to sort of think about again, when you understand that mitochondria and the decline, decline in energy production as our cells age causing us to age where this is going. So things like we're looking at research in brain aging, we're looking at research in immune health. So lots of different areas where I think we're going to learn a lot more about the potential impact of urolithin A and mitopure in different areas of aging. So hopefully in a few months, we can come back and talk about some of the new research, I think there's going to be a lot of exciting stuff that's coming out.

    Elizabeth Stein 40:40
    It's just so exciting, the whole conversation around health span what's being unpacked, and what we're learning, so I can't wait to hear what you guys are doing next. But we're gonna finish off with some rapid-fire Q&A. Three things that you're currently loving.

    Jennifer Scheinman 41:02
    Oh, that I'm currently loving. I am currently loving this. And I have to forget the name of it, but it is like coconut yogurt.

    Elizabeth Stein 41:11
    Coconut Cult?

    Jennifer Scheinman 41:12
    Yes, it’s a chocolate one. And I love that that's become like a dessert for me. I am using a red light and it's one that I got at a medical conference. So it's not like one that's for sale, but it's like a red light for my skin. And I love doing that. That's another thing that I'm really loving. And third thing, I am reading Outlive by Peter Attia, I'm really enjoying that. And that is like a nightly routine. A part of my sleep is to read for at least 10 minutes every night before I go to bed instead of the phone or TV or any of it.

    Elizabeth Stein 41:57
    I’m a part of that journey too, it's so helpful.

    Jennifer Scheinman 42:00
    It's hard. I'm just trying to plug it in away from my bed. So there's not a temptation. And as a side note, for anyone else who's struggling with sleep, I was listening to a sleep expert, and they were saying like, oh gosh, I wake up every night at two o'clock at night. And they're like, well, how do you know it's two o'clock? Don't look at your phone. That also helps the temptation of looking at my phone by putting it somewhere else and just trusting that my alarm will go off, or I'll be up.

    Elizabeth Stein 42:26
    That's a good tip for sure. Three favorite foods for your mitochondria.

    Jennifer Scheinman 42:34
    Oh, for my mitochondria, I would say olive oil. So healthy fat, the polyphenols in there are very protective. And there's some research just kind of showing Mediterranean diets seem to be sort of protective part of potentially why they're so great for longevity is their protective properties. Pomegranates because they are a dietary precursor of urolithin A. I probably put nuts in there as well. So like pecans and walnuts also can be a dietary precursor of urolithin A.

    Elizabeth Stein 43:06
    Favorite words to live by.

    Jennifer Scheinman 43:06
    Ah, just do not take things too seriously. Life is too short.

    Elizabeth Stein 43:20
    Love that. A favorite Nutrition Wellness book.

    Jennifer Scheinman 43:24
    Oh, well, I mentioned I'm reading Peter Attia. I also love Kara Fitzgerald, her longevity book, she has a whole-like diet plan. And I'm stopping forgetting the name of it. But Dr. Kara Fitzgerald has like this great. It was based on a study that she did on reversing biological age. And she's got a whole program about it too. But that's a great book as well because it's really tangible and easy. It's just really based on lifestyle and food and not things that you just can't do.

    Elizabeth Stein 43:55
    And lastly, what is your number one non-negotiable to thrive on your wellness journey?

    Jennifer Scheinman 44:00
    Move. The movement got to do it every day. It just sets the mood, it just raises your confidence. It raises your endorphins so you feel better. I think just movement is critical.

    Elizabeth Stein 44:15
    Any tips that you have for getting up throughout the day and not sitting at your desk for eight straight hours?

    Jennifer Scheinman 44:22
    I am putting it in my calendar, literally, I was relying on my Apple Watch and I don't always feel it I literally just am putting reminders and again, I'm trying to put my cell phone very far away from me at all times. So I just plug it into my calendar and you know something comes up at that time. Like it's there and I remember it and I see it and I get a reminder literally right in front of me and I'm trying to also just not… obviously if it's something that I'm like deep and sought for I want to continue that but if it's like I'm kind of in the middle of something but I'm not really like I try to still get up and take a bit of a break because otherwise I just get caught up in what I'm doing. So just trying to be very mindful of that. And not ignoring that little reminder that comes up.

    Elizabeth Stein 45:07
    That's such a good tip. I had to do that. Too many days straight in my seat.

    Jennifer Scheinman 45:11
    Yeah, and it's and it's hard because it's like, oh, I just wanna finish this email. There's always something so I just kind of make this be my always something like this, my priority.

    Elizabeth Stein 45:22
    Amazing. Well, Jennifer, thank you so much for being on the podcast today. In closing, where can everybody find you and find Timeline?

    Jennifer Scheinman 45:31
    Yeah, so you can find Timeline, That is where you can find everything. I think we're also giving a show discount for you. So we'll make sure we give all that information in the show notes. And then, of course, you can find Timeline on Instagram. And then personally, I'm @jenscheinman_nutrition on Instagram.

    Elizabeth Stein 45:59
    Amazing. Thanks so much for being here.

    Jennifer Scheinman 45:52
    Thanks for having me.

    Elizabeth Stein 45:53
    Thanks so much for joining me on Live Purely with Elizabeth. I hope you feel inspired to thrive on your wellness journey. If you enjoyed today's episode, don't forget to rate, subscribe, and review. You can follow us on Instagram @purely_elizabeth to catch up on all the latest. See you next Wednesday on the podcast.

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