CEO of Supergoop! Amanda Baldwin on Creating a Category, Saying Yes, and Dreaming Big
CEO of Supergoop! Amanda Baldwin on Creating a Category, Saying Yes, and Dreaming Big

"Always say yes to meeting people. You never know where that relationship is going to go." 

- Amanda Baldwin

Elizabeth is joined this week by Amanda Baldwin, CEO of Supergoop!, the industry revolutionizing sunscreen and skin care brand with a formula and mission that everyone from top beauty influencers, dermatologists, and natural minded mothers seem to love. Amanda shares how her impressive background in both business and finance mixed with retail and marketing helps her in this role, the keys to finding a great investment partner, and saying “yes” to people and experiences that may not be in your wheelhouse. She shares her wellness hacks, and gives us the scoop on why wearing sunscreen every day is so important.

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